Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Hello ninas.  Wanted to share this with you all.  If the widget works, and you're into what it has to offer, it's a pretty cool tool.  

Updates from my hippie self: Background checks on the worms are almost complete.  While awaiting reports back from the credit bureau on these red-wigglers, they've managed to eat....A LOT!  Ratio of food waste to worms is 2:1.  Wow!  All seedlings have sprouted, and the tomatoes have been thinned.  This means snipping off some of their darling green heads, so that the other sprouts can survive.  How do you choose?  I found this step particularly hard to do. But ultimately, I must understand that I do not have enough room to grow 9 tomato plants, nor do I need 9 tomato plants.  Also, Greg'o and I have signed up for a CSA.  We've bought a share in a farm on Long Island, and will be receiving their produce and fruit from June through November.  Sweeeeeeeeeet! (and savory.) Watch out guys, when you next come to visit, we may be living in a yurt with a composting toilet.  Kidding.  

Non-hippie fronts: Some friends and I are starting an adult activity zine called, "Sweeeeee_ _ _ t".  (Title makes more sense when the 'e's are in cursive.)  We're printing it on single-side used copy paper  — making the final size 5.5" x 8.5".  We're printing a flip book over the used/found image side of the paper.  Elsa, binding guidance?  The best trick I can come up with 3 staples on the spine, about .375" in.  I don't think this is the best idea, so I'd love some advice.  

Back to hippie fronts: Awards reception went well — mascara and lipgloss shields proved highly protective from stagefright, nerves, yakking.  And, Nick Mag won a 2nd environmental award at the end of last week.  Sweeeet!   

1 comment:

Ferret said...

Woo hoo for a second award! I'm interested to hear more about your zine. What sort of adult activities are we talking here? (And I assume these are adult activities, not "adult" activities, because I don't want to know any more about things like swinging (the lifestyle not the dancing) than I overheard on the train earlier this week...but I digress.

Glad to hear the plantlings and worms are doing well. Speaking of your future as a yurt dweller: when I told Dr. Kitchen about your worm box he said, "Oh, cool, she's composting? (pause, pause, pause) She's not gonna poo in it, is she?"