Wednesday, March 5, 2008


¡Hola chicas! So, I'm a little wary of this blog idea.  Not that I don't enjoy reading the posts, just my own participation in it.  But, after checking the site multiple times a day for new material, I decided that I should probably pitch in to add to its growth.  Not to mention that I have some exciting news.

To toot my own horn, Nick Magazine has won a SustainPrint award for being an environmental leader in the area of sustainable publishing.  Our post-consumer waste content paper and biodegradable polybags are being recognized, woo-hoo!  This means that yours truly gets to accept an award and make a little speech at a publishing conference in front of a lot of industry types next Monday.  While Maria Bojangles makes frequent appearances on the telly, my knees start knocking at the idea of addressing more than 15 people in a room.  Advice, Senorita Bojangles?  Anyway, it's all very exciting.

On other fronts, the apartment container garden has been started.  I started my super sweet 100 cherry tomatoes, ca pepper, chervil, dill and chive seeds last weekend.  No green heads yet, but in a couple of weeks we'll see.  Most plants will eventually live on the fire escape, so hopefully the NYFD won't be scaling any ladders soon.  And, the vermicompost bin is complete. Greg built the bin this past weekend and is stocking it with mushy newspaper this week, so the 2,000 worms arriving on Saturday will have a happy home in our kitchen.  More on that to come too. 

Thanks for the tooting!


elsabelle said...

Yay Nej for your first post! See, I knew you guys wouldn't start blogs on your own, just needed some group comraderie to get things going.

SO AWESOME about the recognition that Nick and YOU are getting. It makes me so happy that you are accomplishing things you are passionate about, and, even better, getting recognized for all the work you put into it.

I want to know more about your indoor garden. Hadi believe I have no ounce of a green thumb, but to my defense I have successfully kept 8 plants alive and well in our home for quite some time. Oh yes, and dish more about these worms that you will be adopting. I'm sure Willie's exploring paws will have to be kept at bay!

Ferret said...

Congrats Nej! On both your award and your garden. I too require further information on the worm situation.

Unfortunately for me, though I managed to not kill my three trusty potted plants during their lives in Atlanta, a harrowing 5 days living in a dark U-Haul truck, and a year of living in NY, for some reason they are now all starting to look ill. Hold on to life, plants!

Toot toot for your award, and wear MB's frosty pink lipgloss like armor!

pantalones said...

Jen you are such an eco-rockstar! I'm curious about the worms also. I expect photos and a list of their full names for each of them by the end of the week so I can run background checks on your new roommies. Safety first Jen. You don't know where these little guys have been.

Good luck on Monday and HUGE congrats!! That is really awesome!