Thursday, March 20, 2008

I dont wanna go!!!!

So I am in fear of the thought of possibly having to go back to work. I am exploring options of working from home businesses. Just thinking of putting my son in daycare frightens me. I know we need the extra money coming in and savings is all but depleted. I have been praying, but I am still worried. Leon doesn't want me to go back to work, but we cant afford for me to not have an income any longer. These last 7 months have been a blessing and I thank God for allowing me to stay home with DanaMax. As you can all see he is a precious little boy with a lot of energy and love. I dont want to miss-out on giving him kisses all day and playing silly games.

If anyone has heard of some work from home businesses that people have been successful with please let me know. I dont need 6 figures just enough to make ends meet for now.

I do feel better now that I have vented to more than just family. E-Mae great idea on the blog. Also, you can come by anytime. I know its the end of the week now, but we are pretty flexible.

Today we went to story time at Barnes and Noble. It was cute and a little loud with all the kids. I was accompanied by the Stay at Home Moms of Alpharetta with the 2 carat diamond rings and real Louis V bags. I sported my new Nike's (that work with the iPod Nano that I dont have) and my Coach diaper bag. SAHM's of Roswell aren't as snooty. The story teller read 3 books (I can only remember one) "If you give a mouse a cookie" and then we sang 3 songs. Dana loved it. He laughed and danced and squeaked. We will definitely go back again.

So Sapp Photography has landed a few gigs for the end of the school year. We have a prom, 8th Dance and 8th grade graduation all in May. I hope we yield highly off these 3 events.

Well duty calls.

Can I get a brief on who all is on this blog? IDK everyone and cant tell by the alias' and blogs who is who.

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