Friday, March 14, 2008

Survivor VI

My lovelies, I am alive! And I'm currently wearing my "I Survived My Sixth Quarter at PC!" tshirt. Oh, it feels amazing to be done and finally on a break for a few weeks. It's kind of shocking to wake up at 11am and know that the day is totally mine, I almost don't know what to do with myself. (Though I'm sure you employees of the real world and Momma-Land are making mean faces because I get this luxury!) Be glad you can't see our apartment, or that you no longer live with and/or above me, because about 9,000 paper bombs have exploded, and there's Xacto blades and glue all over the place. The only thing we can manage to keep remotely clear of the art crap is the kitchen, but even that is overflowing with past-due recycling. (But hey, we are at least recycling--or hording, whatever suits your fancy--nod nod wink wink to Nej there...though no worms are growing yet, thankfully.)

My critique was last night and I was working up to the last minute as usual. A stressful final day, crying involved (also typical), because half my projects were not "complete," and I was nervous about presenting them in progress and my panel telling me I am a terrible human being for not being as up to speed as other students. But I managed to wow them nonetheless, albeit my presentation skills didn't quite fall into place last night. I forgot the lipgloss trick, and fumbled over my wording for the most part, but my work was able to do all the talking itself, and my panel had only good things to say. One of my panelists is the creative director of Armchair Media, where Hadi interned two quarters ago. His name is Stefan, and he was really wowed by my work, it was a great compliment and a surprise to me, because he's a tough cookie to wow. He's been trying to get me to intern with his firm for six months now. I've been worried about my ability to juggle two days a week at an internship plus classes, but Stefan talked to The Cowboy (my school president), who then finagled my schedule to accommodate for an internship, and they roped me into it. So, in two weeks, or actually maybe even next week, I will be working part-time at Armchair Media, which is mostly interactive web-based. You can check their work out at

So, to A-Mae your child is absolutely adorable and a perfect blend of you and Leon. I want to drive up to visit you next week now that I have the time to do it...and squeeze that little bugger! Let me know what works for you. To Nej I am so thrilled about your awards and that the speech went over well. I will definitely check out this sustainable widget of yours. And do keep updating us on the worms, most exciting. In fact I caught the beginning of Dumb and Dumber the other night (oh yes, my brain about felt that retarded at that point) and they had a worm-farm in their apartment. A nod to sustainability? Perhaps, perhaps. Panters, are you giving a speech in L.A. as we speak? Bojangles, are you on the telly as we speak? Janice, I never pick up the phone, either, so no guilt trips need to be placed on thyself. However, Mr. Kitchen's comment about the compost was oh so perfect. Nej, no pooping in the heap. Oh, and we have to get KT and Anneliese on this blog kick, too. So everyone bombard them with harassment calls. Hadi and I are heading out their way over our break, so we'll threaten them personally if that's what it takes.


1 comment:

nej said...

Congrats Elsa! I hope you enjoy your journey west, and get some good R & R.