Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Stealing a moment

I have secured the infant in his high chair watching Little Einsteins, so I can spend a few moments with you. My escape to adult life. The little one slept through the night (Praise the Lord), then woke up at 8:45am to eat 3 jars of baby food. He had his 6 month checkup on Monday and is doing great. Weighing in at 16lbs 3oz (25%) with his height at 26 inches (75%). The doctor says he is tall and lean just like his daddy.

There is so much to be done today. I photographed a schools JROTC department back in January and now we are going to have the parents proof and purchase the photos. This is after I have made them available online for proofing, sent home proofs with order forms and 5 ways to pay. This has been an extreme headache, waste of gas and stressful. We proposed that we would give them a large framed print with all the students (much like the ones from Band or Orchestra in high school). If we dont make the $$$$ that we need to cover the cost they may just get the print and have to frame it themselves. We are a small company not looking to be taken advantage of by some high school JROTC leader. Oh!!! AND when we put in our bid for this back in November we also bid on their Military Ball which is to take place on March 14. So why, after I have gone to the school, taken photographs and delivered some that ordered online, am I told that we need to submit our for the Military Ball. WTF!!! So today when we go there Mr. LT. Col. Butler better have some good news. Oh so what I have to do today is pack up both of our Macs, pick up photos to deliver, get order forms, get Dana packed (bottles, diapers, clothes, etc), prepare dinner, and I am sure I am forgetting something. We have to be at the school by 2:30 to begin setting up.

Next, I have this lady who had her baby Feb 9. We took her pregnancy photos and her newborn photos. She is so picky. I have never had anyone critique every little detail. We put a book together of her pregnancy shots. She went through and told us to move photos from one page to another, change the color of the page, make this one bigger, blah blah blah. So now I have designed her announcements. Believe it or not she loved it, but she wanted the words changed, the font color changed and "what size are the photos on the announcement?", and "this morning it looked good and now it looks lime green, we didnt want you to change the color." Are you kidding me!!!!!!!! So I politely told her the color wasnt changed your computer has not been calibrated. She asked my opinion I wouldnt give it because if she doesnt like it then it comes back to me and she is so FRICKIN' picky that I cant deal with it.

Thanks for the vent :)

Off to tend to DanaMax.


Maria Bojangles said...

Good LORD, that's a cute baby!

elsabelle said...

Oh so great to hear the updates, complete with headaches. A-Mae, you are already a graphic designer but you didn't go into debt for it (though perhaps you didn't want to be one) BUT you are three steps ahead of my very poor student self.

That, and you a raising a really fucking adorable child. Does that count as ten or twenty steps ahead?

Let's say 50 and call it even.

pantalones said...

he really is ridiculously cute. If he ends up missing... I know NOTHING about it.

elsabelle said...

Pantas, are you threatening to cryogenically freeze the little one? We all know where you live.

Ferret said...

Wow, he is adorable! I want to squeeze him. Like an orange. Maybe I could make baby juice?
On second thought, I bet he makes plenty of baby juice on his own...