Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Mod Queen

I have changed the blog template. Since I am Blog Moderator Queen I can do this whenever I please. And drive all of you crazy.

I started writing what is a "graphic designer's" version of a Master's thesis today (if there ever were such a will quickly be made pretty, of course). One page took me 6 hours. And I'm through a quarter of my outline. Maria Bojangles, can you lend me a small vial of your Super-Last-Minute-Paper-Writing skills? Damn I was always jealous how you could read a book in one night, write a kick-ass paper on it between 2 and 4am, and wake up at 8am feeling like a million bucks. Your teachers never had a clue, did they? No wonder you became famous.

P.S. Mod Queen says: Post. And if you've already commented, oh ho ho! Post.

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